Learn more about The Nationals WA’s response to the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act and read Members comments on the proposed changes.


The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill was introduced in 2021 with the Labor State Government using its overwhelming parliamentary majority to force the 250+ Bill through parliament. The current makeup of parliament means the National-Liberal Opposition Alliance has no opportunity to stop or even slow the pass of legislation.

The Government only began ‘consulting’ landholders, aboriginal corporations, and the broader community AFTER the Bill was enacted and again after regulations were set. Community consultation workshops were held but they were poorly advertised and over-attended.

While much of the detail of this Act is held within its Regulations, these Regulations were published the eve of Easter, two months after they were promised, and still remain incomplete as implementation nears. Your Nationals WA team has been asking questions in Parliament on timing, readiness, impact and other issues to highlight some of the challenges created by the Government’s shambolic delivery.

Due to the fact neither the Government nor the community are prepared for what is coming, Leader of The Nationals WA Shane Love wrote to the Premier requesting the implementation of the Act be delayed by six months. 

Questions & Debate

Matter of Public Interest debate – Hon Mia Davies MLA leads debate on the delay of the ACH Act implementation

Opposition Leader Shane Love MLA asks the Premier to delay the implementation of the ACH Act – 13 June 2023

Hon Mia Davies MLA asks the Minister about ACH workshops, plagued by poor advertising and planning – 17 May 2023

Hon Mia Davies MLA asks the Minister about the preparedness of the IT system needed for the ACH – 30 March 2023

Hon Colin de Grussa MLC asks whether resource modelling has been completed to prepare for the ACH Act – 10 August 2022

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