The Nationals in Government will introduce new legislation, known as Fagin’s Law, to crack down on adults
who exploit children for criminal activities, ensuring the real perpetrators face the full force of the law.
Leader of The Nationals WA Shane Love MLA made the announcement ahead of the Geraldton Crime Forum
this evening, hosted by Nationals WA candidate for Geraldton Kirrilee Warr.
“Adults, including parents, who groom, recruit, or coerce children into crime are among the worst kind of
predators. Under The Nationals in Government, they will face long, hard prison sentences,” Mr Love said.
“These criminals are destroying young people’s lives, trapping them in a cycle of crime, and robbing them of a
future. That ends with Fagin’s Law.”
Fagin’s Law will introduce tough new penalties, including long-term jail sentences, for any adult who recruits or
coerces children into crime.
“These laws exist in other states, including Victoria and South Australia, where offenders face up to 15 years in
prison for using children to commit crimes,” Mr Love said.
“Western Australia will have some of the toughest penalties in the nation, sending a clear message: If you
exploit children for criminal gain, we will throw the book at you.”
The Nationals WA will also strengthen enforcement by boosting partnerships between police, child protection
services, and community organisations to identify and shut down predators exploiting children.
“Keeping our communities and children safe is our number one priority. WA Labor has failed to act, so The
Nationals WA will,” Mr Love said.
The Nationals WA have recently announced a $140 million commitment to combat crime and reform youth
justice, including $40 million for a statewide Youth Diversion Strategy and on-country diversion programs in
regional WA, and to restore the Department of Child Protection to a stand-alone agency.
Candidate for Geraldton, Kirrilee Warr, said crime had spiralled out of control under WA Labor, with regional
communities suffering the most.
“For nearly eight years, WA Labor has ignored the crime crisis unfolding in our towns and suburbs,” Ms Warr
“People in Geraldton tell me every day that crime is getting worse. The system is failing both victims and young
offenders. Kids caught up in crime need intervention and support, not to be used as disposable pawns by adult