Ben Giblett
Candidate for Swan Hills
Born in Morley in 1987, Ben started his working life as a pipeline and irrigation installer, whether it be olives in Dandaragan, citrus in Eneabba, almonds in Coorow or grapes in Caversham, from the bores and pump stations to the drippers on the row, he has 10 years of experience delivering water solutions to farms and plantations across the State.
Having been interested in surveying by family in the trade, he decided to start a new career and earned his Advanced Diploma at North Metropolitan TAFE, and has worked 10 years in both super mines of the Pilbara to humble gold mines of Mount Magnet. Always keen to keep developing in the industry he attained his Authorised Mine Surveyor and Unrestricted Quarry Managers Certificates and Certificate 4 in Leadership and Management.
Ben is involved in the Emergency Response Team on multiple mine sites, he is also the Chief Remote Pilot and involved in the deployment of some of the latest UAV technology including drone platforms in the Pilbara that can be remotely piloted from Perth.
After recently moving to the Perth Hills with his wife Patricia and two young boys, he is keen to become involved in volunteer emergency services and community events.
Being a land owner in Gidgegannup, Ben understands the vital importance of a well-supported DFES and fair and considered land and water management.
He has never backed down from a challenge and has built a reputation as a committed leader, mentor and father, and will apply his determination to deliver the best for your communities where you live and work.
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