Contact Bevan Eatts

0456 948 510

Postal Address

PO Box 1418 WEST PERTH WA 6872

Bevan Eatts

Nationals for Warren-Blackwood

Bevan Eatts is a third-generation farmer, and businessman, from Manjimup in the Warren-Blackwood electorate.

Living all his life in the region, Bevan has seen the many challenges it takes for people to live and work in regional Western Australia. Bevan’s involvement over the years in industry and community groups, along with operating their farming, retail, and manufacturing businesses, has given him valuable experience and understanding of the issues the Warren-Blackwood electorate faces.

Bevan lives and breathes the region and is committed to serving the community. Having been the inaugural Chair of the Southern Forest Food Council, President of the Manjimup Chamber of Commerce and Chair of the Western Australian Water Users Coalition, Bevan has a history of standing up for people’s rights and making the community a better place to live.

As your local National, Bevan will work tirelessly for the Warren-Blackwood region, ensuring that your issues are heard and the community becomes an even better place to live.

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