Opposition Leader Shane Love MLA has hit out at WA Labor’s costings, released this week, after analysis by the Opposition exposed over $2 billion in discrepancies between Labor’s public announcements and what was submitted to Treasury.
“This is an egregious attempt to mislead WA voters,” Mr Love said.
“WA Labor has promised big cash splashes via media releases and press conferences, only to quietly submit smaller figures to Treasury, hiding the true cost of their commitments and the true impact on WA taxpayers.”
Key discrepancies include just $28.1 million being allocated towards Labor’s high-profile Metronet on Swan project, despite Labor publicly claiming the project would cost $107 million, and an underdone $124.9 million for the $350 million Kwinana Freeway upgrade.
“These inconsistent costings suggest these projects either will not be delivered in the next term of Government, or will require additional taxpayer funds to deliver, as we’ve seen with Metronet.
“The Minister for Transport, who is also the Treasurer, needs to explain these massive cost discrepancies across her portfolios, and why WA Labor has not been upfront with the public about its transport infrastructure commitments.”
Mr Love also queried the absence of funding for the $150 million vanadium battery for Kalgoorlie.
“Despite repeated promises, WA Labor has failed to allocate a single dollar in its Treasury costings for a $150 million battery project meant to secure reliable power for the Goldfields.”
Mr Love also revealed the WA Treasury had apologised to the Opposition after misleading voters for several days ahead of the State Election, failing to acknowledge The Nationals WA had submitted their election costings on time.
The Nationals WA submitted costings to Treasury on February 27 – the same day as WA Labor – yet despite multiple updates to Treasury’s election costings web page since then, the website continued to incorrectly state no costings had been received from The Nationals WA.
“The Opposition has engaged in the Treasury costings process in good faith, so it is disappointing that voters looking for our costings were misled by outdated and inaccurate information,” Mr Love said.
Following a request from the Opposition, the Under Treasurer corrected the website and apologised, but Mr Love said it was a poor reflection on the integrity of the costings process.
“It is also concerning that WA Labor’s costings were completed and released well ahead of The Nationals WA’s costings, despite both being submitted on the same date.”
Mr Love said he had sought assurance from the Under Treasurer that the Opposition’s costings would be made public before 5pm today.
Mr Love said these issues further demonstrated the urgent need for an independent Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) to provide accurate and transparent costing advice to all parties.
“A PBO would ensure all political parties have access to the same financial information, allowing for properly scrutinised realistic, and fully costed policy proposals and give voters confidence.”